fanore holiday cottages burren mountain

We’ve collected a few of the beautiful attractions to help you plan your stay.

 fanore holiday cottages burren mountain

Activities and trips to keep the kids busy and out from under your feet.

 fanore holiday cottages burren mountain

With miles of coastline, The Burren offers activities for all levels of fitness.

 fanore holiday cottages burren mountain

Here are a few of the more popular website links for getting out and about in County Clare.

 fanore holiday cottages burren mountain

Co. Clare has many fabulous restaurants, you will find a few personal recommendations.

Local Attractions

Fanore, one of the longest villages in Ireland, is situated on over 5 miles of Atlantic Coast. It is a beautiful, tranquil place where you can walk, hike or climb the Beautiful Burren and explore the flora, fauna and archaelogical sites.

With a ‘blue flag’beach and golden sand don’t miss the opportunity to swim,surf and bodyboard. Stay in Fanore and escape from the stress of city life fora while. If you feel you need a little peace then come and try it for yourself.